Hair Transplant

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation is an aesthetic procedure performed to make the eyebrows appear thicker and fuller. This process is performed using hair transplantation techniques.

Eyebrow transplantation is planned primarily by considering the structure of the eyebrows and the facial features of the patient. Then, hair follicles are placed one by one on the sparse areas of the eyebrows. This procedure is usually done under local anesthesia and takes about 2-3 hours.

After eyebrow transplantation, it may take several months for the eyebrows to grow by new hair follicles. However, the results are permanent and make your brows look fuller and shaped.

Eyebrow transplantation should be performed by a specialist doctor or hair transplant specialist. It also requires careful care and recovery after the procedure. For this reason, it is recommended that people who are considering eyebrow transplantation should first consult a specialist and learn the procedure in detail.


What Causes Eyebrow Loss?

Eyebrow loss can occur for many different reasons. Some common causes are:

Aging: As we age, eyebrows also become thinner and thinner. The hair, especially on the outer parts of the eyebrows, becomes thinner and disappears.

Stress: Chronic stress can cause hair loss and eyebrow loss.

Nutrition: Unhealthy diet or malnutrition can prevent eyebrows from staying healthy and strong.

Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes can cause eyebrow loss, especially during menopause.

Thyroid problems: Thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism can cause hair loss and eyebrow loss.

Chemical exposure: Regular coloring or overshaping of the eyebrows can cause the eyebrows to weaken and fall out.

Injury or infection: Eyebrows can be damaged and shed as a result of injury or infection.

Eyebrow loss is usually a treatable condition. Treatment options may include changing the diet, regulating hormonal balance, using eyebrow growth serums, eyebrow transplantation and surgical interventions. However, it is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause.

Kaş Kayıpları Neden Olur?

What is Eyebrow Transplantation?

Eyebrow transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles to the eyebrow area of ​​the person. This procedure is performed for aesthetic purposes for people who have sparse eyebrows or those who have lost their eyebrows. Eyebrow transplantation is usually performed using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method. In this method, individual hair follicles are taken from the nape area and then transplanted to the eyebrow area. Eyebrow transplantation is performed under local anesthesia and usually takes about 2-3 hours. The recovery process after the procedure is usually completed in 7-10 days.

Kaş Ekimi Nedir?

To Whom Is Eyebrow Transplantation Applied?

Eyebrow transplantation can be applied to anyone who has sparse or shed eyebrows, who have sparse eyebrows from birth, who have lost their eyebrows due to scars or burns. In addition, people whose eyebrows are not thick enough or have gaps between them can also have eyebrow transplantation.

However, suitable candidates for eyebrow transplantation are those who have healthy skin and hair follicles and who have sufficient hair follicles for eyebrow transplantation. In addition, before the eyebrow transplantation process, factors such as the person’s health status and drug use are also taken into account.

People who want to have an eyebrow transplant can consult with a plastic surgeon or aesthetic dermatologist to get more detailed information about the eyebrow transplant procedure and find out if they are suitable.

Kaş Ekimi Kimlere Uygulanır?

With Which Technique Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

Eyebrow transplantation is usually done with two techniques: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).

FUE technique is a method used to remove hair follicles one by one and then add them to the eyebrow area. This method is generally the more preferred method as it is a minimally invasive procedure. In this technique, hair follicles are removed one by one and then placed in the eyebrow area. A more natural appearance is obtained as a result of eyebrow transplantation performed with the FUE method.

The FUT technique, on the other hand, is an older method and requires a surgical procedure. In this technique, a strip is cut from the scalp and then placed on the eyebrow area. Thicker eyebrows are obtained as a result of eyebrow transplantation with the FUT method, but it is a less preferred method because it is a more invasive procedure.

Which technique to use depends on factors such as the person’s hair structure, eyebrow area and personal preferences. Before having an eyebrow transplant, it is important to talk to a doctor or plastic surgeon and determine the most appropriate method.

How Is Eyebrow Transplantation Performed?

Eyebrow transplantation is an aesthetic procedure performed to correct the sparseness, thinning or absence in the eyebrow area of ​​the person. This procedure is usually done using hair transplant techniques.

First of all, the scalp of the person to be transplanted is analyzed. As a result of this analysis, the most suitable hair follicles that can be used for the reconstruction of the eyebrows are determined. Then, eyebrow design is made according to the shape and size of the gaps in the eyebrow area.

Eyebrow transplantation is performed under local anesthesia. Hair follicles are removed one by one and placed in the eyebrow area. In this procedure, FUE (follicular unit extraction) or FUT (follicular unit transplantation) techniques can be used. While the FUE method provides the removal and placement of individual hair follicles, the FUT method allows a larger scalp area to be removed and the hair follicles from this area to be placed in the eyebrow area.

Eyebrow transplantation can take about 2-4 hours, and a slight swelling and redness may occur after the procedure. After eyebrow transplantation, the eyebrow area of ​​the person completely heals in about 1 year and the results are permanent.

What Should Be Considered Before Eyebrow Transplantation?

Following some important steps before eyebrow transplantation will help you achieve successful results after the procedure. Here are the things to consider before eyebrow transplantation:

Choosing a doctor: Eyebrow transplantation is a delicate procedure that must be done correctly. Therefore, it is very important that your doctor who will perform eyebrow transplantation is certified and experienced. You can get detailed information about the procedure and ask your questions by meeting face to face with your doctor before the procedure.

Medication use: You may need to stop using blood thinners, in line with your doctor’s recommendation, before the eyebrow transplant procedure. These drugs can increase the risk of bleeding.

Smoking: Since smoking can prevent tissue healing, you may need to quit smoking if possible before the eyebrow transplant procedure.

Alcohol consumption: You should take care not to consume alcohol before the eyebrow transplant procedure. Alcohol can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding.

Vitamin supplement: Before eyebrow transplantation, you can take vitamin and mineral supplements in line with your doctor’s recommendation. Vitamin C, in particular, can speed up recovery.

How Long Does Eyebrow Transplantation Take?

The duration of eyebrow transplantation may vary depending on the sparseness, thinning or absence in the eyebrow area of ​​the person and how many hair follicles will be placed.

Generally, the eyebrow transplant process takes between 2-4 hours. However, when more hair follicles need to be transplanted for the treatment of a larger eyebrow area, the processing time may be longer.

During the eyebrow transplantation process, your doctor will also shape the eyebrow area in advance to determine the eyebrow shape and density you need due to the sparseness or absence of your eyebrow area. This can affect the processing time.

However, the duration of eyebrow transplantation may vary depending on the techniques used during the procedure, how many hair follicles are placed and the general health condition of the person.

When Does Eyebrow Transplantation Show Its Effect?

After the eyebrow transplantation process, the eyebrows of the person do not appear full and thick immediately, because the transplanted hair follicles will fall out first. However, after the hair follicles are shed, the effects after eyebrow transplantation will begin to become evident after about 3-4 months.

After 6-9 months, all the hair in the eyebrow area will be removed and the eyebrows will be fully healed. When the eyebrows are completely healed after eyebrow transplantation, it will be seen that the transplanted hair has a natural appearance and is permanent.

Therefore, it is important to be patient and allow time for the healing process after eyebrow transplantation. In addition, following the care instructions recommended by your doctor after the eyebrow transplantation process allows you to have a healthy and successful healing process.

What Should Be Considered After Eyebrow Transplantation?

The healing process after eyebrow transplantation is important and it is necessary to pay attention to some important points in this process. Here is information about what to consider after eyebrow transplantation:

For the first few days, you should not touch your eyebrows. Try not to touch your eyebrows for a few days to protect the area of ​​your eyebrows and reduce sensitivity.

Avoid washing your eyebrows in the first days. Try not to wash your eyebrows for the first few days to help the transplanted area heal. You should do the first wash as recommended by your doctor.

Do not rub your eyebrows. Do not rub or scratch your eyebrows until the transplanted area of ​​your eyebrows has healed.

Eyebrow Transplantation Prices

Eyebrow transplant prices vary according to the preferred clinic, the experience of the doctor, the techniques used and the size of the area applied. Prices are usually calculated per graft.

Eyebrow transplant prices in Turkey generally vary between 2.000 TL and 6.000 TL. However, these prices may vary in different clinics and cities.

You can get detailed information and request a price quote by contacting the clinics you want to transplant eyebrows. However, when choosing a price, it is important to consider not only low-priced options, but also reliable clinics that offer a quality service.

Op. Dr. Semih Günay

Dr. Günay specializes in combined aesthetic surgical interventions. In this field, he has expertise in performing many aesthetic surgeries at the same time. As a surgeon who has successfully performed many aesthetic interventions such as abdomen, breast and nose, he stands out in his profession.

Op. Dr. Semih Günay

Dr. Günay specializes in combined aesthetic surgical interventions. In this field, he has expertise in performing many aesthetic surgeries at the same time. As a surgeon who has successfully performed many aesthetic interventions such as abdomen, breast and nose, he stands out in his profession.

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