Dental Aesthetics

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a dental aesthetic procedure to lighten the color of the teeth and achieve a whiter appearance. Teeth whitening is used to whiten teeth that have become yellowed or stained due to sources of pigmentation such as smoking, coffee, tea, and red wine.

The teeth whitening procedure can be done at the dentist’s office or at home with a special whitening kit. Teeth whitening done in the dentist’s office produces faster results and uses stronger whitening ingredients. At-home teeth whitening kit, on the other hand, may take longer but is more affordable.

The teeth whitening procedure starts with your dentist choosing a suitable whitening method according to your oral and dental health condition. Your dentist may tell you that if you have any cavities or gum disease in your mouth, you should treat them first. Next, your dentist will apply the whitening gel to your teeth and activate the gel with a special light or laser.

The teeth whitening procedure can be done safely without damaging the natural structure of the teeth. However, it is recommended that you talk to your dentist about tooth sensitivity before the procedure, as your teeth may become sensitive.


What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a treatment method that aims to lighten the color of the teeth and achieve a whiter and brighter appearance. Teeth whitening removes stains, discoloration or yellowing on the surface of the teeth.

Teeth whitening can be performed in two different ways:

Tooth Whitening at Home: A special tooth whitening gel prescribed by the dentist is given to the person for use at home. The person applies this gel to his teeth with the help of a special mouthpiece and waits for a certain period of time. This method usually lasts for 1-2 weeks and results are achieved slowly but safely.

Office Teeth Whitening: This method is performed in the clinic by the dentist. The dentist applies a special gel to your teeth and then shines a light source on this gel, accelerating the teeth whitening process. This method gives faster results compared to the at-home teeth whitening method.

In addition to whitening your teeth, teeth whitening also helps you gain a healthier appearance by increasing your self-confidence. However, teeth whitening may not be effective in cases where tooth discoloration is caused by tooth decay, gum disease, or other health problems. For this reason, it is recommended that you talk to a dentist and have your dental health checked before doing teeth whitening.

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What Are the Teeth Whitening Methods?

The teeth whitening process aims to lighten the color of the teeth and achieve a whiter and brighter appearance. This can be done in two different ways:

Tooth Whitening at Home: A special tooth whitening gel prescribed by the dentist is given to the person for use at home. The person applies this gel to his teeth with the help of a special mouthpiece and waits for a certain period of time. This method usually lasts for 1-2 weeks and results are achieved slowly but safely.

Office Teeth Whitening: This method is performed in the clinic by the dentist. The dentist applies a special gel to your teeth and then shines a light source on this gel, accelerating the teeth whitening process. This method gives faster results compared to the at-home teeth whitening method.

Combined Type Teeth Whitening:  It is a teeth whitening process performed by combining office type and home type teeth whitening methods. In this method, office-type teeth whitening is first applied by the dentist. Then, your dentist can give you a special teeth whitening gel and mouthpiece for at-home teeth whitening. This mouthpiece is custom made to fit your teeth perfectly and measurements are taken to make sure it fits your teeth.

Teeth whitening may not be suitable for everyone. Teeth whitening may not be effective for teeth that have changed color due to tooth decay, gum disease, or other health problems. For this reason, it is important to consult a dentist and have your dental health checked before doing teeth whitening.

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Can Anyone Have Teeth Whitening?

No, not everyone can get teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is recommended or not recommended depending on the state of dental health, why the teeth are discolored, and the general health of the person. In some cases, teeth whitening can harm a person’s dental health or achieve no results.

For example, teeth whitening is not recommended if the teeth have cavities, cracks, fractures or other damage. In addition, problems such as gum disease, gingival recession, abrasions on the tooth enamel or bleeding gums can also be an obstacle to the teeth whitening process.

Teeth whitening is also not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also, people with tooth sensitivity, cracked teeth or serious oral health problems should consult their dentist before having teeth whitening.

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At What Intervals Should Teeth Whitening Process Be Performed?

Teeth whitening is applied to get a whiter and brighter smile by removing stains and color changes on the teeth. However, teeth whitening should not be done frequently because overuse can cause tooth sensitivity, gum irritation and enamel damage.

Teeth whitening can give different results depending on the cause of the stains on the teeth of the person and the state of dental health. Generally, teeth whitening is recommended by dentists at most 1-2 times a year. However, this period may be shorter if the cause of the stains on the teeth is due to factors such as excessive smoking or frequent coffee consumption.

In addition, care and hygiene on the teeth of the person after the teeth whitening process is also important. To keep your teeth white and healthy, you need to brush, floss and have your teeth cleaned regularly.

In summary, teeth whitening can be done at different intervals depending on the person’s dental health, the cause of the stains on the teeth and the care after the teeth whitening process. However, teeth whitening should not be repeated frequently and should be checked by a dentist.

Is Teeth Whitening Process Harmful?

Teeth whitening is a safe procedure used to remove discoloration on teeth. However, for some people, teeth whitening can cause some side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult a dentist before teeth whitening.

Some possible side effects that may occur after teeth whitening are:

Sensitivity in the teeth: After the teeth whitening process, sensitivity may occur in the teeth. This sensitivity is usually temporary and subsides within a few days or weeks.

Irritation of the gums: After teeth whitening, the gums may become irritated and cause pain.

Color changes: After the teeth whitening process, color changes may occur in the teeth. This condition is usually temporary and returns to normal within a few days or weeks.

Causing enamel damage: When teeth whitening is done incorrectly, it can cause enamel damage.

Therefore, teeth whitening must be done by a dentist. The dentist will evaluate the factors that cause the color change in the teeth and decide whether the teeth whitening process is suitable for the person. He will also explain in detail what needs to be done before and after the teeth whitening process.

What Should Be Considered After Teeth Whitening?

Some side effects may occur after teeth whitening, such as tooth sensitivity, gum irritation or discoloration. Therefore, some points to consider after teeth whitening are:

Smoking and alcohol use should be avoided. These substances can change the color of the teeth and the discoloration of the teeth can occur more quickly.

Consumption of coffee, tea, wine and colored foods should be avoided. These foods and drinks can cause discoloration and staining of the teeth.

Consumption of extremely hot or cold foods and beverages should be avoided. Teeth may be sensitive after teeth whitening, and extremely hot or cold foods may cause sensitivity in the teeth.

Brushing and flossing should be done regularly. Teeth may be sensitive after teeth whitening, but regular brushing and flossing helps keep teeth healthier.

Oral care products recommended by the dentist should be used. The dentist can advise on toothpaste, mouthwash or other products to use after teeth whitening.

Periodic dental check-up appointments recommended by the dentist should be attended. After the teeth whitening process, the control of the dentist is important for the health and color of the teeth.

If pain or sensitivity occurs after teeth whitening, the dentist should be contacted immediately. The dentist can minimize possible side effects by recommending the necessary treatments.

In summary, after teeth whitening, the dentist’s recommendations should be followed to minimize side effects such as sensitivity or discoloration of the teeth. In addition, regular dental care should be performed and periodic dental check-up appointments should be made to keep the teeth healthy and white.

Op. Dr. Semih Günay

Dr. Günay specializes in combined aesthetic surgical interventions. In this field, he has expertise in performing many aesthetic surgeries at the same time. As a surgeon who has successfully performed many aesthetic interventions such as abdomen, breast and nose, he stands out in his profession.

Op. Dr. Semih Günay

Dr. Günay specializes in combined aesthetic surgical interventions. In this field, he has expertise in performing many aesthetic surgeries at the same time. As a surgeon who has successfully performed many aesthetic interventions such as abdomen, breast and nose, he stands out in his profession.

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